Zheng Chaofang, a candidate for the mayor of Zhubei, Hsinchu County, of the DPP, turned into a sticky note wishing wizard in the first campaign image video.

(Provided by Zheng Chaofang camp)

[Reporter Huang Meizhu / Hsinchu Report] The year-end general election is entering the last 60 days. Zheng Chaofang, a candidate for the mayor of Hsinchu County, Hsinchu County, Zheng Chaofang, released the first "Your Little Things, My Big Things" campaign image video "Post-it Mayor" today , shot by director Zhang Bairui, who was shortlisted for the "Aspiration" film at the Golden Horse Awards, commended the attitude of cultural people to support cultural people, and also revealed whether this campaign can make Zhubei "super-evolution", which has attracted the attention of the whole country and all walks of life.

This short film, which lasts less than 2 minutes, incorporates the previous "Post-it notes to create a vision of Zhubei Action" and "Vision Action Fat Cards", and is different from the strong selection style in terms of visual and auditory communication. , giving the fu as if watching a movie trailer.

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In the film, Zheng Chaofang turned into a wishing elf with a post-it note in his hand, changing the appearance of candidates always wearing campaign vests, and the team wearing a look similar to a coffee shop work apron, making people feel close to the people and fresh.

In the film, starting from the Hsinchu station of the high-speed rail in the morning, Zheng Chaofang walked into the new tile house with a sticky note, walked into the park, and entered the living world of Zhubei citizens, so that all citizens could make a wish to him through the sticky notes, that is, He wrote down the appearance of Zhubei City he wanted one by one, and after collecting it, he attached it to his headquarters as an important task and put it in his heart.

Zheng Chaofang's camp stated that the director of the film "Ambition" directed by Guo Shuyao in 2013 was the subject of the tug-of-war team in Jingmei.

Zhang Bairui said that in his eyes, Zheng Chaofang is an excellent cultural worker. This time, he is willing to support Zheng Chaofang with his imaging expertise, which is the feeling of supporting a cultural person with a cultural person.

Zhang Bairui also believes that Zheng Chaofang has been cultivating Zhubei for many years and striving to serve Zhubei City, which makes him feel that it is very similar to the theme of "Ambition" back then, that is, "recognize the fate or not", "the more setbacks, the more courageous", with perseverance and Sweat fought for approval, so he was very emotional.

The image of the "Post-it Mayor" is to transform the efforts and determination behind these, and we hope that more citizens will recognize such a high-quality mayor.

Zheng Chaofang said that the team used post-it notes as a medium this time, not just for an image, but to express a better vision and action for the municipality; the expectation on the note paper is not only a kind of delivery, but also a kind of trust.

During the video shooting, the elders in the park and the children in the school district were all in real life. When they wrote on the post-it notes "I want a park with a stadium", "The road needs to be leveled", "Build a night sports corridor", "Nutrition". Eat better for lunch." He was glad that this coincided with his political views, which meant that the direction he wanted to lead Zhubei City's "super-evolution" was indeed what the villagers needed.

Zheng Chaofang, a candidate for the mayor of Zhubei, Hsinchu County, of the DPP, turned into a sticky note wishing wizard in the first campaign image video.

(Provided by Zheng Chaofang camp)

Zheng Chaofang, a candidate for the mayor of Zhubei, Hsinchu County, from the Democratic Progressive Party said that the first campaign video was conducted outdoors in reality.

(Provided by Zheng Chaofang camp)

Zheng Chaofang, a candidate for the mayor of Zhubei, Hsinchu County, from the Democratic Progressive Party said that the first campaign video released today was directed by Zhang Bairui (the man in the orange shirt), the director of the film "Ambition".

(Provided by Zheng Chaofang camp)