Of all the cosmic events that occur regularly on the calendar, eclipses display the most dramatic occurrences.

Seeing a "ring of fire" in the sky during a solar eclipse or a scary red-faced moon during a lunar eclipse is an unforgettable experience - but these phenomena are more than just astronomical spectacles.

Astrologically, eclipses are related to topics such as fate.

Understanding what eclipses mean in astrology can help you connect and work with these particular celestial moments in a more meaningful way.

In astrology, eclipses are recognized as the main harbingers of change.

They bring rapid changes, shocking discoveries, unexpected endings and rapid new beginnings in people's lives.

Events that seem to coincide with these unpredictable lunar events can be dizzying, which is why they have a reputation as chaotic and intense.

But despite this, eclipses also serve as important cosmic interventions that help us to connect us to our true paths and to connect us to our spiritual destinies.

Solar eclipses always occur on new moons, and lunar eclipses always occur on the full moon - so you can think of them as superpowered versions of these moons.

What is an eclipse?

By definition, an eclipse occurs when a celestial body obscures light from or to another celestial body.

When we talk about eclipses, we are referring specifically to the placements of the sun, Earth, and moon, which line up several times a year to form solar eclipses or lunar eclipses.

Eclipses occur when a new or full moon coincides perfectly with the ecliptic, which is the visible path of the sun through the sky.

Lunar eclipses occur when the Earth lies exactly between the sun and the moon, blocking light going from the sun to the moon (and these always coincide with a full moon).

In contrast, solar eclipses occur when the moon lies exactly between the Earth and the sun, blocking light going from the sun to the Earth (and these always coincide with a new moon).

When this happens, the sun, moon and Earth form a straight line, obscuring light from the sun or moon (depending on the type of eclipse).

This is what distinguishes a lunar or solar eclipse from a regular or full new moon.

This is also why eclipses can have such a magnificent visual appearance if you look at them from the right side of the globe.

/ Telegraphy /