The sands of Kamchia are Bulgarian.

Across the river is a section that is a Russian student complex.

It is a property, it has Russian assets, and the Moscow City Hall is involved.

However, the area is small and there is nothing to worry about.

This was stated by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Environment Borislav Sandov

He graduated from Sofia University "St.

Kliment Ohridski, majoring in Geography, and is on the show "In Focus".

Sandov said the camp is used by children in the summer.

"It is not used for anything else.

And no territory of Bulgaria could pass to the Russian state ", Sandov commented.

Borislav Sandov: By 2026, Bulgaria may have five new national parks

He believes that the territory should be protected from the point of protection of the environment.

"In order to regain the status of state property, the regional governor and other institutions must take measures such as redemption, cancellation of transactions," Sandov said.

According to him, the swaps should be spoiled.

Borislav Sandov