Gao Hongan's paper plagiarism controversial DPP group: "Masquerade Sweetheart" should be publicly tested

Guo Guowen (from left), Secretary General of the Democratic Progressive Party, Luo Zhizheng, Director General, and Huang Shijie, Deputy Secretary General, held a press conference on the 20th on "Gao Hongan's private use of public equipment to cross the river and demolition bridges will be used as a tool", pointing out that Gao Hongan turned his research results into journal papers , and then copy and paste it into a doctoral dissertation.

(Photo by reporter Liu Xinde)

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Refuting the plagiarism of papers Gao Hongan: Self-plagiarism is not considered improper research

[Reporter Xie Junlin/Taipei Report] In response to the suspicion of plagiarism of Gao Hongan, a candidate for the mayoral election of Hsinchu, the Legislative Yuan held a press conference today (20th) to ask 3 questions, including whether there is a lot of plagiarism, self-plagiarism or repetition of his thesis. From two other research projects?

Did other co-authors agree to cite the material?

Have you applied and obtained authorization from the Information Policy Council?

The caucus criticized Gao Hong's private use of public tools, demolition of bridges across rivers, and the use of public tools to achieve personal essays; it makes people feel like a "masked sweetheart" and should be publicly examined.

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The Weekly reported that Gao Hongan had been subsidized to study in the United States during her tenure in the Information Policy Association in the past, and used the opportunity to study for a doctorate at the University of Cincinnati, but her doctoral thesis copied a large number of research cases co-published with other Information Policy Association researchers. and papers, but not cited in the text, let alone authorized by the Information Policy Council.

Luo Zhizheng, secretary-general of the Democratic Progressive Party League, said that Gao Hongan's response still has many doubts, and she did not answer relevant questions, but these are questions she cannot avoid.

She used the relevant research plan of the Capital Policy Association as the main research of her personal dissertation and found that there are great flaws in the ethics and ethics of the research.

Luo Zhizheng said that according to the statement of the University of Cincinnati Academic Society proposed by Gao Hongan, it means that they think there is nothing specific, so they will not pursue the accusation; She said, "There is no definition of self-plagiarism." I don't know if she mistranslated it on purpose, or if she deliberately blurred the core of this statement.

In response to Gao Hongan's mention of the gap between the paper comparison and the weekly comparison, Luo Zhizheng pointed out that "it's not surprising, it depends on what you want to compare", whether Cincinnati has a relevant research plan of the Capital Policy Council as a parameter and reference for the comparison, if No, of course there will be big differences; many papers may not be online, so there may not be full texts that can be compared. Therefore, the ratio of comparison is different, which cannot be the most important key to whether there is plagiarism or plagiarism.

Luo Zhizheng raised 3 questions. First, Committee Member Gao would like to clarify whether there was a lot of plagiarism, self-plagiarism or reproduction between his doctoral dissertation and the two research projects of the Institute?

Secondly, Gao claims to be the first author, but he can't own the research results. Have you asked other authors to agree to take the whole project as your personal research results?

Finally, Zice has copyright, have you obtained authorization?

If not, it is serious plagiarism.

Guo Guowen, secretary of the Democratic Progressive Party League, said that the Information Policy Council should provide on-the-job training, but Gao Hongan did not give back, but instead immediately switched to Hon Hai, which led to the abolition of the plan and cut off many people's opportunities to study in the United States.

Gao Xianxian eats more than one fish, and converts plagiarism from a research project into personal research results. She should report to the University of Cincinnati and convene a new academic society; although she looks like a sweetheart, it makes people think she is a fake sweetheart and should be punished. public inspection.

Huang Shijie, deputy director-general of the DPP League, pointed out that Gao Hongan said that the source was marked, but his reference did not list the two studies by the Information Policy Council. This is a flaw in academic ethics, and Gao should face it and clarify it.

He emphasized that the copyright of the two research projects belongs to the state, and in this case, the lack of citation will become a big problem.

Guo Guowen (from left), Secretary General of the Democratic Progressive Party, Luo Zhizheng, Director General, and Huang Shijie, Deputy Secretary General, held a press conference on the 20th on "Gao Hongan's private use of public equipment to cross the river and demolition bridges will be used as a tool", pointing out that Gao Hongan turned his research results into journal papers , and then copy and paste it into a doctoral dissertation.

(Photo by reporter Liu Xinde)

The Legislative Yuan's Democratic Progressive Party group held a press conference today, accusing the People's Party of Hsinchu mayoral candidate Gao Hongan of allegedly plagiarizing his doctoral dissertation.

(Photo by reporter Xie Junlin)