The DPP Yilan County Party Headquarters pledged its determination to fight against bribery in elections. Today, comrades who are running for election are called to sign an anti-bribery election conclusion letter, and an "Anti-Bribery and Election and Anti-Corruption Center" will be set up to provide a 200,000 yuan whistleblower bonus.

(Photo by reporter You Mingjin)

[Reporter You Mingjin/Yilan Report] In order to pledge the determination to fight against bribery in elections, the DPP's Yilan County Party Office convened election candidates today to sign the anti-bribery election conclusion letter, and set up the "Anti-Bribery Election and Anti-Corruption Center" and set up a ghost-hunting team combined with recruitment The letter agency searches for evidence, and if the case is prosecuted, the Party will provide a 200,000 yuan reporting bonus.

The "Anti-Bribery Election and Anti-Corruption Center" was established today and staged an action drama of Bao Gong; county councilor Xie Canhui played Bao Gong, county councilor candidate Xie Zhengxin played Zhan Zhao, and Luodong town representative candidate Chen Dinglin played Dynasty and Wujie Ou Zhiming, a candidate for the township chief, played Ma Han, You Guoliang, a candidate for the representative of Yilan citizens, played Zhang Long, and Jian Mingzuo, a candidate for the representative of Luodong Town, played Zhao Hu.

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Upon receiving the ticket-buying report, Bao Gong immediately instructed to "launch the bribery and election network, arrest and bring the person who wants to buy the ticket to justice. There will be no tolerance. As long as anyone dares to buy a ticket, it will be strictly handled."

Chen Junyu, chairman of the party department, said that county magistrate Lin Zimiao was suspected of corruption, Luodong mayor Wu Qiuling was suspected of giving gifts and bribing elections, and Yilan's election style needed further testing. People, we must correct the election style at the end of the year and show the determination to seize bribery.

Chen Oppo pointed out that election bribery is the evil of democracy and the source of corruption. Those who can bribe elections are often also corrupt. The holy land of democracy made us proud in the past, but now it brings us shame. , Anti-corruption.

Regarding the specific measures of "anti-bribery and anti-corruption", Chen Oppo said, first, cooperate with the Ministry of Justice to investigate the work of bribery.

Second, we demand that all party candidates sign the anti-bribery election agreement.

3. Hire a credit information agency to investigate the information about bribery and provide the local prosecutor's office for follow-up evidence search. After prosecution, the county party headquarters will issue a bonus of 200,000 yuan.

4. Build the Tianluodi network to fight against bribery and elect top soldiers. The candidate for the mayor of the township with party membership will serve as the leader of the anti-bribery election team and be responsible for the training of top soldiers.

Jiang Congyuan said that fighting against bribery and corruption is the duty of politicians and the social responsibility of all citizens, but we are afraid that we will strictly adhere to the divide, and our opponents will have unfair elections, so we ask everyone to actively provide information to the Anti-Bribery Election Center. , so that the center can provide the most immediate bribery information to the prosecutors and jointly safeguard the achievements of democracy.

He pointed out, "Anti-bribery before the election, and anti-corruption after the election." Incorruptibility, diligence, and love of the country are the core values ​​of the DPP's politics. This is the spirit to be implemented, and it must be continued to govern or hold office. I hope this election It can be carried out cleanly, maintain the fairness of the election, allow good talents to be produced, and let a clean and honest team take on the responsibility of Yilan's common development.

The "Anti-Bribery and Election and Anti-Corruption Center" was established today, and staged the Bao Gong action drama, launching Skynet for bribery and election.

(Photo by reporter You Mingjin)