Dr. Liu Yiyin, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Shenggong Hospital, Catholic Shenggong Medical Incorporated Foundation (Photo courtesy of Dr. Liu Yiyin).

Taiwan has entered an aging society, and the average life expectancy of women is over 80 years old. In other words, one-third of the years will be spent in menopause, and maintenance and health maintenance at this stage are the most important issues.

Understanding the symptoms of menopause and making relevant responses and preparations can also help women understand their bodies better and stay healthy.

What is menopause? How do you know if you have entered menopause? Dr. Liu Yiyin, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Shenggong Hospital, Catholic Shenggong Medical Foundation, said that when women enter the age of 45-52, due to the gradual failure of ovarian function, reproductive The transitional period when functioning starts to decrease to total loss is called menopause.

Menopause occurs when there is no menstruation for one year or more.

What are the symptoms of menopause?

At the menopause stage, due to the decrease of female hormones secreted by the ovaries, menstrual volume begins to decrease and the cycle is irregular. About 40% to 60% of women may experience physical and mental symptoms of menopause.

These symptoms include: vasomotor symptoms, such as hot flashes, palpitations, night sweats, insomnia, dizziness, etc.; genitourinary symptoms, such as vaginal dryness, low libido, painful intercourse, urethral and vaginal infections, etc.; Panic, depression, irritability, poor concentration, memory loss, etc.

After menopause, the long-term health effects of hormonal deficiency in women include: Osteoporosis

: due to the decrease of estrogen, bone mass begins to lose rapidly. There may be no symptoms in the early stage, usually after fractures cause severe pain, immobility or long-term disability. , which will affect the quality of healthy life.

Cardiovascular disease: For premenopausal women, the estrogen secreted by the ovary has a protective effect on the cardiovascular system, reducing the incidence of cardiovascular disease.

After menopause, female hormones decrease, visceral fat increases, and metabolism deteriorates, thus increasing the chances of suffering from the three highs (hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes) and the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Regarding how to care for and protect one's body and health during menopause, Dr. Liu Yiyin suggested paying more attention to diet, nutrition and lifestyle.

It is very important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet and life, including following the principles of three less and two more (less condiments, low fat, and less processed food), controlling calorie intake, increasing the intake of vegetables, fruits, and high-fiber foods, and taking appropriate amounts of calcium and vitamins D. Maintain adequate sleep and proper physical activity.

Three small steps to ease the discomfort of menopause:

Start with diet: Phytoestrogens, including soy isoflavones, lignans, and coumestrol, can help relieve menopausal hot flashes, palpitations, insomnia and other vasodilation symptoms, prevent osteoporosis, and protect cardiovascular function. and prevent breast cancer.

Such as soybeans, linseed seeds, alfalfa leaves, broccoli, etc. contain more.

Appropriate supplementation of health food: soy isoflavones, black cohosh, DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), etc. are all helpful to improve menopausal symptoms, and should be avoided by those suffering from breast cancer, prostate cancer or liver cancer.

Proper use of hormones: Hormones are the most effective way to treat menopausal symptoms and improve menopausal quality of life. According to the latest report of WHI tracking for 15 years, it is safe and effective to use low-dose, natural hormones within 10 years after menopause and before the age of 60 , and will not increase cardiovascular disease and breast cancer mortality.

Contraindications are those at risk of thrombosis, breast cancer, endometrial cancer, liver disease.

If there are vasomotor symptoms, it is recommended to supplement it orally or transdermally; only patients with menopausal genitourinary syndrome can use transvaginal suppository or ointment, the effect is the best and there is no systemic effect.

When menopause causes physical and mental discomfort, if it occurs occasionally, it can be relieved by diet, exercise, normal work and rest, and emotional management. When the symptoms seriously affect daily life, it is recommended to consult a doctor for medical assistance to improve.
