The decision to write off or restructure debts is planned to be introduced in the form of changes to the legislation.

The authors of the draft law believe that it is necessary to support Ukrainians in difficult times.

They appeal to the fact that with the beginning of the full-scale invasion, many Ukrainians found themselves in a difficult financial situation due to the loss of their usual level of income.

Inflation was added to this, and the number of people on the verge of impoverishment increased.

Although there are subsidy mechanisms for such citizens, even they do not help to pay for communal services in full.

The changes are included in the project "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Restructuring of Debt from Apartment Fees, Fees for Housing and Communal Services, Gas and Electricity Consumption", No. 8367

According to the project, there will be two options that will work in parallel with each other.

  • Debt restructuring.

     Homeowners and tenants will have the opportunity to restructure the amount of debt accumulated during wartime for 5 years.

    The term and amount that can be restructured will depend on the income level of the home owner.

    This mechanism will apply to water, gas and electricity bills, but not rent arrears.

    At the same time, the debt will not prevent the calculation of subsidies for the citizens to whom it is intended.

  • Debt cancellation.

     This option will apply to those whose housing is located in the zone where hostilities were or are being conducted.

    Debts for all housing and communal services, including rent, will be written off.

    However, they will be able to write off only the amount that accumulated during hostilities.

    For example, for residents of Kyiv region, Chernihiv region or Sumy region, which were temporarily occupied at the beginning of the war, this term will be only the first months of the war.

  • The procedure for writing off debts and its terms must be determined by the Cabinet of Ministers when the amendments to the Law are adopted.

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