Text / Zheng Jiayi

Tunghai University School of Management Advanced Business Management Special Class (EMBA) will launch the only flagship precision teaching course in Taiwan. Xu Ende, EMBA director of the school, said that Tunghai EMBA will use the Stanford-style project learning model to comprehensively reform and cross domains Innovating, flipping the traditional EMBA course model, designing a Buffet-style teaching module that can satisfy learning, and offering precise teaching of modules, micro-credits, and project learning.

Li Shuxing (left), dean of Tunghai University School of Management, and Xu Ende, director of EMBA, jointly reformed the EMBA flagship course.

Tunghai University is the first school in central Taiwan to establish an EMBA. President Zhang Guoen said that Tunghai EMBA brings together elites from various industries and is the best place for cross-industry cooperation and network expansion.

This year, EMBA proposes goal-oriented reform, cross-domain innovation and integration of modules, micro-credits, projects, and integration (capstone), creating a student-centered innovative teaching method.

Zhang Guoen said that, just like the buffet concept of an all-you-can-eat restaurant, the food area is the module, and the food is the various micro-credits set up by the teachers.

In the future, teachers will no longer follow the traditional teaching mode, but will design Buffet-style teaching modules to allow students to choose freely.

Donghai EMBA renovated the rest area for students after class to create a comfortable learning environment.

Li Shuxing, Dean of the School of Management of Tunghai University, pointed out that the most prominent feature of the precision teaching course is the introduction of the Stanford-style project learning method, the introduction of the "coach" tutoring model, and the integration of Tunghai's unique liberal arts characteristics, and the launch of the groundbreaking precision teaching modular course .

Through "case-based learning", students can learn to quickly master key analysis and solve problems, while "project learning method" emphasizes group learning, and can face and solve major issues together.

Li Shuxing emphasized that the Buffet-style teaching module is the management technique that can most flexibly adapt to the technological age.

EMBA director Xu Ende further mentioned that Donghai EMBA has invited Peng Shuanglang, chairman of AU Optronics, and leading ICT manufacturer Qisda Group, in order to promote the enterprises in central China to actively develop the capacity of industrial characteristics and create a new national highlight of the "industry famous teacher course". Chairman Chen Qihong, TSMC treasurer He Limei, Chewang Electronics Group chairman Cai Yuqing and other heavyweight business managers came to the school for practical coaching and teaching.

The secrets of business management are imparted through courses by famous teachers, guiding students to see the future trend of the industry, to reach the peak of the industry, and to look forward to the future world.
